I would like to use the serial ports on my GC-100, iTach, or iTach Flex, but my software only recognizes serial ports local to the computer (e.g. "COM1"). Can I make a Global Caché serial device appear as 'real' COM port on my computer?
Yes! Special applications/drivers are available to create a 'virtual' COM port on your computer, then redirect the data over the network to the Global Caché serial device. Eterlogic's free "Virtual Serial Ports Emulator" is one great example, and can be downloaded at After installing the software, please follow the steps below to perform the required one-time setup/configuration.
(Note: Use of this or other similar functionality software is not supported by Global Caché, but is offered as a possible solution for users who are interested.)
1. Create the 'virtual' COM port that will be used to communicate with the Global Caché device.
a. Select Device -> Create
b. For Device Type, select Connector, and click Next.
c. In the "Specify Device Type" window that appears, select an available COM port from the drop-down list (e.g. COM1)
d. Click Finish
2. Create the "TcpClient" to connect to the Global Caché device on the network, and link with the virtual COM port created in step 1...
a. Select Device -> Create
b. For Device Type, select TcpClient, and click Next.
c. For Remote TCP Host, enter the IP address of the Global Caché serial device, then for Remote TCP port, enter 4999 for port 1 or 5000 for port 2 (GC-100 only)
d. For Source serial port, select the COM port you created in step 1 (usually it is already selected by default).
e. Click Finish.
That's it! Using any software, you can now connect to the Global Caché Serial device using a normal COM port on your PC!
The above setup/configuration process is illustrated in the following video... (Note: the video repeats continuously)