Hi there, first post be gentle
I've set up a basic gui, taught my itach unit the codes from my media pc remote and assigned them to buttons in the demopad gui builder. Problem I'm having is if I use the for example left direction button, I have to click another button before I can click left again. If I click left a second time the led on the itach confirms the button press. (i have the wired itach unit)
Many thanks
Josh Sherman It sounds as though there may be some sort of toggle which is occurring between button presses. When the first command is received, the form of the command which will be accepted by the hardware is toggled to a different command. My guess would be that if you were to capture the command from the remote repeatedly, the commands would change (likely in length) back and forth between two distinct commands. There are a few ways you can make this work. Either the software will have to be able to store and keep track of the commands and which one to send when (which is a lot to ask), or a little artistry with the commands may be in order. If you were to capture both forms of the same command, you should be able to shorten the delay between the commands enough that both will not register at any given time, but each time the command is issued, the one which is necessary to control the hardware is recognized. If you can capture two distinct commands from the same button, save them both and post them here and I will give you an example of how I think you can make this work.
paul gilbert this is a working set of codes from another installer, the codes for my tv and amp ie volume up more than once work fine.
MCE-E3.dc1 -
paul gilbert here we go two versions from the same button, i loaded it into my app and it works every time but it jumps two spaces per press.
right button.txt -
Josh Sherman The code below is an amalgamation of the two commands you sent with a shortened gap between the commands. This should work in that when one version is being waited for, you send both with too little time for the hardware to receive them as two commands. This will hopefully trick your hardware into thinking you sent only the one that works rather than a combination of both commands. Let us know what results you get.
paul gilbert Damn I updated the command with the above data....... nothing. Not a blink from my unit.
Josh Sherman It looks like there was some formatting weirdness when the last command got posted. I made sure this one functioned properly, so hopefully this works.
Since this is not letting me leave this on one line, you will need to make sure that the code is pasting correctly into your app. Try pasting this into a notepad first to remove any weird formatting I had to add for the whole code to be visible.
paul gilbert It works but jumps two spaces. Just seen the thread in the FAQ section about RC6 remotes. That solution seems a bit long winded.
Is there anything else I can try? Dont rush off and try and sort it out for me as its 1.30 am here and I need sleep.
Josh Sherman I have lowered the inter-command gap even lower than before, which will hopefully get the desired result. Let me know what results you get.
paul gilbert It kind of works, but I'm afraid to say after a hard days googling I found a rather simple solution. Turn off the debounce in windows. ) Maybe of help for others Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HidIr\Remotes\745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da 1 = on 0 = off The original remote still works fine as well as a logitech harmony. Cheers for all the support. Paul (the above is for windows 7)